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Maptaskr Map Viewer (Dashboard Level)

The Maptaskr Map Viewer provides users with a user friendly way to interact with the map and access Maptaskr features. The Map Viewer can be located at two levels of the system

  1. Dashboard level – provides Maptaskr capabilites at a global level with capabilites across all records in the system

  2. Record level – provides Maptaskr capabilires at a localised record level

This section provides an overview of the Maptaskr dashboard level Map Viewer, it’s various component and functionality. Details on the record level Map Viewer can be found in section Maptaskr for Individual Records (Record Level).

Note: Your view of the Maptaskr Map Viewer will differ depending on how Maptaskr has been implemented by your organisation.

Figure 4: Maptaskr Dashboard Level Map.


This section provides an overview of each of the individual elements that make up the Maptaskr Map Viewer.

Figure 5: All dashboard elements numbered.

Element #Element NameDescription
1Top NavigationProvides access to the core Maptaskr features of -

  • Search
  • Route
  • Calendar
  • Annotation
  • Layers
  • Legend
  • Bookmark

  • See section Top Navigation for more details.
    2Quick SearchEnable the ability to quickly search through all the record details displayed on the Map.
    3Base MapProvides the ability to change the Base Map displayed
    4MaximiseSet the Map View to Fullscreen
    5ZoomControls to Zoom in and out of the Map View
    6Refresh Map ViewControls to -

  • Refresh map
  • Return to default extent
  • 7Extent HistoryControls to -

  • Go to previous extent
  • Go to next extent
  • 8Download MapProvides the ability to download the current Map View as a snapshot
    9Track my locationEnables location tracking based on the users GPS location
    10Data TabProvides access to a tabular view of records displayed on the Map
    11Context MenuMenu available by right clicking on the Map. Options presented here will differ based on the manner Maptaskr is configured.

    See Context Menu for more details
    12Info BoxFly out box displayed when a record on the Map is clicked on. Provides the ability to further interact with the record. Options presented here will differ based on the manner Maptaskr is configured.
    13Current LocationPoint displaying the users current location. (Requires GPS and location services to be enabled)

    Top Navigation

    Figure 6: Maptaskr Top Navigation.

    Navigation ItemNameDescription
    SearchAllows users to search various records.

    See Search for more details.
    Journey PlannerAllows field service workers to optimise their travel time in navigating to particular areas.

    See Journey Planner for more details.
    CalendarAllows a quick view of a user's daily meetings with Customers/Clients.

    See Scheduling
    AnnotationAllows users to perform basic annotation f unction i.e. drawing (shapes/text/emasurements) on the Map.

    See Annotations for more details.
    LayersAllows users to turn on/off personal and corporate layers.

    See Layers
    LegendAllows users to view legends of searched entities, personal layers, and corporate layers. (If configured)
    BookmarkAllows user to save a particular location on a map for future re-visit. (If enabled)

    Context Menu

    Figure 7: Context Menu.

    The Context Menu appears when you right click anywhere in the Map canvas. It provides various context specific options as described in Table 3: Maptaskr Context Menu items.

    Menu ItemDescription
    CreateEnables users to create records associated with the location on the Map. The options that are avilable to users is dependent on how the solution is configured.
    Create TerritoryAllows the creation of territories (Only available to Maptaskr Administrators)
    Set as Current AddressAllows a user to set the selected point on the map as the current location for searching and routing purposes. To set as current address click Set as Current Address - This will drop a pin and sets the latitude and longitude based on the location of the user.
    Add as sourceAllows users to add the location as the source location for routing purposes
    Add as destinationAllows users to add the location as the destination location for routing purposes.

    Info Box

    The Maptaskr Info Box provides users with a quick and user-friendly way to interact with records that appear on the Map Viewer. An Info Box will appear when you left click a record that is displayed on a Map canvas.


    Your view and features of the Maptaskr Info Box will differ depending on how Maptaskr has been implemented by your organisation.

    In the Info Box Details tab, you can see properties of the entity configured by the admin. E.g. email, address, phone number, created on etc.

    Figure 8: Maptaskr Info Box.

    In the Info Box Actions tab, you can see thumbnails of actions configured by the admin. E.g. Add Task, View record, Book Appointment etc

    Figure 9: Actions Tab Info Box.

    The related entity such as Contacts will appear if configured. The records will appear in a list format by default. If there are no records the user can add one by clicking the plus icon on the right.

    The notes will appear in list format by default, if there are no notes the user can add one by clicking the plus sign on the right and completing the following form.

    Figure 11: Notes Tab Info Box.

    Figure 12: Add Notes from Info Box.

    Data Tab

    Figure 13: Data Tab.

    The Maptaskr Data Tab allows users to get a tabular view of the records that are being displayed on the Map View. The Data Tab gives the ability to perform many actions on the items listed within the table.

    The table will only display items that are visible in the Map View after performing a search, which is covered in the Search guide.


    Your view and features of the Maptaskr Data Tab will differ depending on how Maptaskr has been implemented by your organisation.

    Within the data table you can perform a number of functions.

    Item #NameFunction
    1SearchAllows users to search through the records listed in the table

    Typing in a keywoord in the highlighted search box will perform a filter on every single column available for the layer. The search box is reactive so there is no need to click enter or submit, the filtering will be done on-the-fly.
    2Distance FilterAllows users to turn the distance filter on/off. This will change the search box to accept numerical input to search for records within a given distance value.
    3Plot on mapAllows users to plot selected records on the Map View.
    4Choose ActionAllows users to select an action to apply to a selected record via the dropdown. This can be an invidiual item, or ab ulk action applied across multiple records.

    Note: Your list of actions displayed in the list will differ depending on how Maptaskr has been implemented by your organisation.

    5PaginationAllows users to page through records shown in the Data Tab.
    6MaximiseAllows users to maximise or minimise the Data Tab.
    7Record CountThe number of records visible in the current Map View. This number will change when panning and zooming as the number of visible records changes.
    8SelectSelect individual records by clicking on the respective row's checkbox, or click the row directly to select and zoom to the record.
    9FilterEach column heading provides filtering capability.

    Select the column you wish to filter and click on the dropdown icon to open a search box.