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Data Source Configuration

Maptaskr also provides the ability for in-depth integration between business records and geospacer elements that are captured within an organisations Esri ArcGIS instance.

To achieve this, the appropriate associations and relationships are required to be established via Data Source configuration.

Configuring Record Level ArcGIS Integration

Record level ArcGIS integration is configured within the entities Data Source configuration.

Prerequisite: Layers to be used in this section need to be preconfigured as per section ArcGIS GIS Layer.

  1. Go to Data Sources on the left navigation pane and edit one of the entries available to be configured.

    Figure 20: Configuring Data Sources.

  2. Once in the Data Source configuration screen for that entity, scroll down to the additional settings tabs and click on the GIS tab to gain access to ArcGIS configuration area.

    Figure 21: Record Level ArcGIS Configuration Screen.

  3. In the dropdown select the layer which is to be integrated with. These layers are made available on this screen if the Add as a Data Source setting is set as per section ArcGIS GIS Layer.

    Figure 22: Select ArcGIS Layer for Record Level Integration.

Once the layer is selected the following options are available to be configured for the general integration of that layer with the entity of choice. Multiple ArcGIS integrations can be added by simply clicking on the button. Various options for configuration are available as per the figure below.

Figure 23: ArcGIS Layer for Record Level Integration Configuration.

The following table give an overview of each of the configuration options.

PrimaryIndicates that this ArcGIS integration is the primary integration for this entity data source mapping. Only configurable if there are multiple layer integrations configured.
EditableSet the ability edit the ArcGIS data from within the Maptaskr interface. This option is only available if the ArcGIS layer service is setup to be editable.
Show Only Filtered FeaturesSet the maps to only show ArcGIS features that meet the filtering criteria and are related to the record in some manner.
Highlight Filtered FeatureSets the related ArcGIS features to be highlighted amongst all other feature that are present on the layer. See Figure 24.
Load InfoboxSets the Infobox to load if a user clicks on any of the related features displayed on the map. See Figure 25.
ZoomZooms to show all the related features.
VisibilitySets whether this integration shows on the map or not.
Filter FieldsSets the field(s) that are to be used to filter ArcGIS features with the record entities.
Mapping FieldsSets the field(s) that are to be used to relate ArcGIS features with the record entities - I.e., configuring the write back of fields into ArcGIS, the mapping enables the admin to choose the fields from D365 to map to ArcGIS.