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Measurement Events



The MeasurementStarted event is triggered when a user initiates a measurement on a map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the measurement type and the starting latitude and longitude coordinates.


To listen for the MeasurementStarted event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("MeasurementStarted", function(measurementType, startLat, startLng) {

console.log("measurementType: " + measurementType);

console.log("startLat: " + startLat);

console.log("startLng: " + startLng);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the MeasurementStarted event. When the event occurs, the provided call-back function is executed, logging the measurement type, starting latitude, and starting longitude to the console.


  • measurementType (string): The type or category of the measurement being initiated.
  • startLat (number): The latitude coordinate where the measurement started.
  • startLng (number): The longitude coordinate where the measurement started.

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the MeasurementStarted event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for MeasurementStarted is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The MeasurementCompleted event is triggered when a user completes a measurement on a map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the measurement type, finishing latitude, finishing longitude, a polygon representation (if applicable), and any associated measurement text.


To listen for the MeasurementCompleted event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("MeasurementCompleted", function(measurementType, finishLat, finishLong, polygon, measurementText) {

console.log("measurementType: " + measurementType);

console.log("finishLat: " + finishLat);

console.log("finishLong: " + finishLong);

console.log("polygon: " + polygon);

console.log("measurementText: " + measurementText);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the MeasurementCompleted event. When the event occurs, the provided call-back function is executed, logging the measurement type, finishing latitude, finishing longitude, polygon representation (if available), and measurement text to the console.


  • measurementType (string): The type or category of the completed measurement.
  • finishLat (number): The latitude coordinate where the measurement was completed.
  • finishLong (number): The longitude coordinate where the measurement was completed.
  • polygon (string): A polygon representation of the completed measurement area, if applicable.
  • measurementText (string): The size of the shape associated with the measurement.

Response Example

The polygon returned will be a JavaScript Object in the format provided below (with some properties excluded for brevity)


"extent": "10609400.86028076,-2857630.8013220704,11559380.547374066,-2036576.928905712",

"geometry": {


"type": "Polygon"


"shapeSize": "Area: 383738727653.13 m²",

"attributes": {

"ShapeSize": "Area: 383738727653.13 m²"



Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the MeasurementCompleted event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for MeasurementCompleted is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The MeasurementCancelled event is triggered when a user cancels a measurement on a map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the measurement type that was cancelled.


To listen for the MeasurementCancelled event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("MeasurementCancelled", function(measurementType) {

console.log("measurementType: " + measurementType);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the MeasurementCancelled event. When the event occurs, the provided call-back function is executed, logging the type of the cancelled measurement to the console.


  • measurementType (string): The type or category of the cancelled measurement.

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the MeasurementCancelled event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for MeasurementCancelled is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The MeasurementsCleared event is triggered when a user clears all measurements from the map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event indicates the completion of measurement deletion.


To listen for the MeasurementsCleared event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("MeasurementsCleared", function() {

console.log("Measurement Deletion Completed");


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the MeasurementsCleared event. When the event occurs, the provided call-back function is executed, indicating the completion of measurement deletion by logging a message to the console.


This event does not have any parameters.

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the MeasurementsCleared event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen for this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for MeasurementsCleared is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.