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Layer Attribute Events



The FeatureRowClicked event is triggered when a user clicks on a feature row within a layer attribute table on a map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the clicked feature's ID and geometry.


To listen for the FeatureRowClicked event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("FeatureRowClicked", function(id, geometry) { 

console.log("id: " + id);

console.log(" geometry: " + geometry);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the FeatureRowClicked event. The provided call-back function is executed when the event occurs, logging the clicked feature's ID and geometry to the console.


  • id (string): The ID of the clicked feature.
  • geometry (string): The geometry information of the clicked feature.

Response Example

The geometry returned will be a JavaScript Object in the format provided below (with some properties excluded for brevity)


" paths": [
[ 152.951965843402, -27.559003020827 ],
[ 152.952433438347, -27.5590516415601 ]

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the FeatureRowClicked event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for FeatureRowClicked is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The FeatureRowsSelected event is triggered when a user selects one or more feature rows within a layer attribute table on a map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the selected feature's ID.


To listen for the FeatureRowsSelected event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("FeatureRowsSelected", function(id, checked) { 

console.log("id: " + id);

console.log(" checked: " + checked);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the FeatureRowsSelected event. When the event occurs, the provided call-back function is executed, logging the ID of the selected feature to the console.


  • id (string): The ID of the selected feature.
  • checked (boolean): If the feature is checked or unchecked.

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the FeatureRowsSelected event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.


window['maptaskrPCF'].off(" FeatureRowsSelected"); 

In the example above, the event listener for FeatureRowsSelected is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The SelectedFeaturesHighlightedOnMap event is triggered when selected features are highlighted on the map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the highlighted feature's ID and geometry.


To listen for the SelectedFeaturesHighlightedOnMap event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("SelectedFeaturesHighlightedOnMap", function(id, geometry) {

console.log("id: " + id);

console.log(" geometry: " + geometry);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the SelectedFeaturesHighlightedOnMap event. The provided call-back function is executed when the event occurs, logging the highlighted feature's ID and geometry to the console.


  • id (string): The ID of the highlighted feature.
  • geometry (string): The geometry information of the highlighted feature.

Response Example

The geometry returned will be a JavaScript Object in the format provided below (with some properties excluded for brevity)



" extent": "15248357.277396044,-3988917.2955298205,15352708.613343623,-3864670.5161639843",
"geometry" : {
"geometry": "15248891.276102826,-3988614.090329052,15248892.277087683,-3988666.2742443234,15248887.379030092,-3988735.7194938106,15248882.594963657,-3988765.825602797,15248840.18312822,-3988859.223859193,15248773.836711707,-3988912.3446107856,15248747.89659868,-3988916.4934807913,15248728.863637427,-3988917.2955298205,15248693.572687175,-3988913.282809781,15248679.548212448,-3988909.80231469,15248676.32083777,-3988908.7329166974,15248592.3841606,-3988866.8507156074,15248515.016223941,-3988760.7410759795,15248490.639927128,-3988737.9944058843,15248432.753791915,-3988692.501200734,15248360.83961975,-3988658.914864661,15248357.277396044,-3988645.535311624,15248359.724643728,-3988638.175945241,15248375.64422147,-3988605.9289554274,15248387.556297543,-3988595.089214614,15248480.063684946,-3988539.0267035705,15248510.342586443,-3988510.3915596786,15248546.744950488,-3988436.7989730537,15248552.198714979,-3988345.948794903,15248555.650509752,-3988325.3416327126,15248557.096772576,-3988319.18795757,15248565.332633784,-3988309.4203045922,15248596.947369168,-3988307.279145076,15248626.114856865,-3988330.292298937,15248645.151380349,-3988438.672818123,15248648.713604053,-3988457.0028512,15248660.622117903,-3988490.1875876985,15248752.684227342,-3988649.013251296,15248778.175500179,-3988676.3095445973,15248808.789250702,-3988682.5995584377,15248818.585365893,-3988677.3789209705,15248820.811755707,-3988673.6336286957,15248826.710798163,-3988556.0177147784,15248831.277568955,-3988543.841315925,15248852.316062156,-3988522.033242089,15248875.805365272,-3988525.5111443945,15248885.487489304,-3988533.672460912,15248889.829839997,-3988551.871450244,15248891.276102826,-3988614.090329052",
"type" : "Polygon"
"attributes" : {}

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the SelectedFeaturesHighlightedOnMap event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for SelectedFeaturesHighlightedOnMap is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The FeaturesFilteredByPolygon event is triggered when features are filtered by a polygon on the map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the filter polygon and the resulting feature.


To listen for the FeaturesFilteredByPolygon event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("FeaturesFilteredByPolygon", function(filterPolygon, resultFeature) { 

console.log("filterPolygon: " + filterPolygon);

console.log(" resultFeature: " + resultFeature);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the FeaturesFilteredByPolygon event. The provided call-back function is executed when the event occurs, logging the filter polygon and the resulting feature to the console.


  • filterPolygon (string): The polygon used for filtering features.
  • resultFeature (string): The resulting feature that matches the filter.

Response Example

The filterPolygon returned will be a JavaScript Object in the format provided below (with some properties excluded for brevity)


"extent" : "16285967.281465383,-4638658.698342794,17017218.747868977,-3812439.5090296417",
"geometry" : {
"geometry" : "16304960.826047294,-3964387.865684934,16285967.281465383,-4638658.698342794,16903257.48037751,-4610168.381469927,17017218.747868977,-3812439.5090296417,16304960.826047294,-3964387.865684934",
"type" : "Polygon"
"attributes" : {}

The resultFeature returned will be a JavaScript Object in the format provided below (with some properties excluded for brevity)

"extent" : "16353033.976041937,-4258126.432256523,16584924.064146778,-4081936.6934020626",
"geometry" : {
"geometry" : "16584924.064146778,-4194215.8205637066,16353033.976041937,-4258126.432256523,16419414.757793356,-4081936.6934020626,16584924.064146778,-4194215.8205637066",
"type" : "Polygon"
"attributes" : {}
"extent": "16527052.31547921,-4545464.00191358,16672411.656706253,-4198235.886020177" ,
"geometry" : {
"geometry": "16584867.943882221,-4198235.886020177,16672411.656706253,-4545464.00191358,16527052.31547921,-4478925.5687913485,16584867.943882221,-4198235.886020177",
"type" : "Polygon"
"attributes" : {}
"extent": "16604577.824962063,-4208878.32517417,16877565.654802185,-4017740.3699756954",
"geometry" : {
"geometry": "16604577.824962063,-4193191.11802936,16798639.64578343,-4017740.3699756954,16877565.654802185,-4208878.32517417,16604577.824962063,-4193191.11802936",
"type" : "Polygon"
"attributes" : {}

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the FeaturesFilteredByPolygon event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for FeaturesFilteredByPolygon is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The FilterReset event is triggered when a filter is reset on the map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. ### Usage To listen for the FilterReset event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("FilterReset", function() { 
// Your call-back logic here

In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the FilterReset event. When the event occurs, the provided call-back function is executed.


This event does not have any parameters.

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the FilterReset event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.



In the example above, the event listener for FilterReset is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.



The TableFilter event is triggered when the layer attribute table is filtered using a keyword or search term on the map using the Maptaskr for Power Pages App. This event provides information about the applied filter keyword.


To listen for the TableFilter event, you can use the on method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This allows you to register an event listener that executes a call-back function when the event is triggered.


window['maptaskrPCF'].on("TableFilter", function(filterParams, filteredResults) { 

console.log("filterParams: " + filterParams);

console.log(" filteredResults: " + filteredResults);


In the example above, we've registered an event listener for the TableFilter event. The provided call-back function is executed when the event occurs, logging the applied filter keyword to the console.


  • filterParams (string): The information about the filter parameters used.
  • filteredResults (string): The results after applying the filter.

Removing Event Listeners

To remove the event listener for the TableFilter event, you can use the off method of the window['maptaskrPCF'] object. This is useful when you no longer want to listen to this specific event.


window['maptaskrPCF'].off(" TableFilter"); 

In the example above, the event listener for TableFilter is removed, ensuring that the associated call-back function no longer executes when the event is triggered.