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Functional Overview

Working in Offline Mode

Since Maptaskr natively leverages the mobile offline capabilities provided by the Microsoft platform it lives within, it is important for users to understand how offline works in the specific app that is being used, including the base functionality that is available to a user. An overview of this functionality can be found in the following the online Microsoft guide –

Maptaskr Functional Offline Capabilities

Beyond the baseline functionality provided by the Microsoft app, users can create, display and interact with business records straight from a map even when offline. New records automatically are tagged with geospatial coordinates, leveraging native GPS capabilities of the user’s device (so long as the user’s device has a valid location/GPS signal). Below is a list of the Maptaskr capabilities available to user in offline mode.

Offline File Layer

Users will be presented with the appropriate offline file layer as configured for their location. Multiple offline file layers can be loaded and configured for offline usage. A single layer will be loaded for users based on business unit. This enables users to continue having a visual map view of where they are located – even when offline and interact with record within the map viewer.

Creating and interacting with business records

Once users load the Maptaskr map viewer in offline mode they will be able to perform the follow functions -

  • View and interact with records – this includes any related geospatial features (polygons, point, custom icons etc.) as well as related records (if configured).
  • Create, update, delete records as required.
  • Annotate on the map – i.e. utilised the drawing tools (pins, lines, polygons, text).
  • Bookmark locations for easy navigation.

Data Persistence

Any data created, modified, or deleted via the Maptaskr functionality whilst offline will persist on the mobile device and sync back to the platform once the device is back online utilising the native capabilities of the Microsoft app and underlying platform.